Who We Are

Hello, and welcome! My name is Sophie, I am the face behind Artemis Adventures. I am a Registered Veterinary Nurse from the UK and have a huge passion for travelling, conservation and my job as RVN. I have been solo travelling since I was 18 years old, but my first time travelling and working with animals was back in 2022. Travelling to South Africa lit a spark inside of me. I experienced things I’d only dreamt of; my highlight was monitoring a lion’s anaesthetic! The experiences I gained has allowed me to excel in my career. I want as many people as possible to experience learning or volunteering abroad, because it really is life changing.

Where did the name originate?

Artemis is one of the principle Greek Goddesses. She was the goddess of the wilderness, wild animals, nature and the hunt along with other attributes. Artemis had a strong connection to nature and animals. She is often seen accompanied by wild animals, particularly deer, in ancient Greek artworks. Although she hunted, she was a protectress of nature and the animals. She was a powerful goddess who embodied strength and courage.